
Most of your business runs smoothly - your employees perform their tasks without you, your customers buy from you, and you stay ahead of the competition! But every once in a while, something changes just enough and the things you’ve always been doing are no longer working. Employees become less productive, sales decrease and your competitors cut their prices in order to attract your customers. How do you regain clarity, be focused and stay on the direction when you feel that you’re no longer in control?

Or, perhaps things are going well. Your company is growing quickly, and with that growth come new challenges. You are faced with choices and opportunities. Do you expand into a new market? Expand your product lines? Form a strategic alliance? These are the decisions that will determine the long-term success of your firm. How do you make sure the path you’re about to take is the right one? It’s time to find a partner that will help you take charge of your company’s future.

Business Start-up

Want to kick start your Business? URMNS can assist you to set up an entity. Whether it is sole proprietorship, partnership or limited company, any business entity can be registered and start up easily with URMNS.

Business Plan Consulting

We work closely with you to understand your goals and vision, and then develop your entire business plan. Although most clients hire us to write a business plan for them, they often find that the process they go through in developing that final business plan is more valuable than the documents themselves.

Our business planning process is intense, thorough, and highly collaborative. As business plan consultants, we will help you to refine your business model, identify your most profitable customers, fine-tune your marketing plan, and improve your sales projections. We provide an objective view, so your final business plan makes a statement that exudes confidence and attracts investors.

  • We work closely with you to understand your goals and vision, and then develop your entire business plan, from "elevator pitch" to "exit strategy."
  • We don't start with a "canned" business plan format – each business plan is individually crafted to meet the unique requirements of each client.
  • Unlike many of our competitors, we expect – even demand – several iterations. We understand that the first version is rarely perfect. If you are not happy with our work, we aren't either.
  • We don't just "write a business plan." We question assumptions, perform independent research on the market and competition, and explore and propose alternative ways to market your product or service. We are business plan consultants, not just business plan writers.
  • If your business plan is to obtain capital, we'll evaluate your plan from the viewpoint of a prospective investor or partner. Our experience allows us to quickly spot problems and fix them long before you meet with your first investor.

A professional business plan ties all of the above together into a self-consistent, attractive professional package that speaks for itself. A "typical" business plan is between 12 and 18 pages long, excluding supplementary documentation such as financial projections, graphs, charts, etc. The final business plan package ranges from 20 to 80 pages, depending on the complexity of your business, how much capital you are seeking, how many markets you are targeting, etc.

Rest assured that no matter how simple or complicated your underlying business is, we will spend the time and effort necessary to make your business plan a major springboard towards your future success.

Accounting Management

It is essential for a firm to keep a proper set of account right from the commencement of the business. URMNS provides accurate and timely financial and statistical information in real time to enable you to view and lead to better decision making and lowering the risks involved. With URMNS you do not need to worry about the high overhead costs of hiring an internal accountant. We offer a comprehensive range of services that include:

  • Bookkeeping
  • Auditing
  • Taxation
  • Corporate Secretarial Services
  • Goods and Services Tax (GST) Services
Human Resource Management

Human Resources Management ensures that the organization has the right number of personnel, at the right place, at the right time, capable of completing their tasks, duties, and responsibilities effectively and efficiently in order to achieve the organization’s overall objectives.

URMNS provides you with HR services that can assist you to manage matters relating to HR. We can create employee handbooks and on boarding checklists and procedures to create a streamlined and consistent experience for all of your employees. With URMNS you will never have to worry about HR matters again, we solve your payroll processes and manage your employees' leave records that are in compliant with the labour laws and regulations.

Mass Communication

URMNS team comprises of public relations specialists, professional writers and event team members to assist you in advertising & company branding. Our range of services covered such as:

  • Coordinating campaigns or manage public events
  • Product launching
  • Writing press releases
  • Media invitation
  • Copywriting
Market Research Consulting

While most market research companies serve large companies, we go the other way – we focus on the needs of small businesses. We uncover market opportunities, and sometimes, marketing challenges, that others miss. Our market research yields solid, factual, defensible information that is directly relevant to your specific needs, not the needs of the "average" company in your industry. We combine quantitative market research (statistical analysis, graphs, charts) and qualitative market research (interviews, articles, opinions) to give you a balanced and accurate picture. Here are a few examples of projects we have completed:

  • Survey design and execution (invite respondents, collect results, analyze, report)
  • Phone or in-person interviews of customers, employees, executives, business owners, industry experts, etc.
  • Focus groups, roundtables, and executive forums
  • Market opportunity assessments (evaluate the potential for your ideas, products, services, or processes)
  • Competitor analysis / competitive intelligence studies
  • "Blue sky" sessions on product / application / market possibilities, particularly in the area of technology commercialization
Why Market Research is Important

Accurate market research is the foundation for every business or marketing plan. URMNS can help you gain a much deeper understanding of:

  • market opportunities
  • existing customers
  • prospects
  • competitors
  • employees
  • industry trends
  • environmental or regulatory risks
We Help You Focus

Large market research firms research specific industries and generate standardized industry reports. The problem for most small businesses is that very few of them fit neatly into these industry categories. That's where we come in. Instead of generating canned industry reports, everything we do is customized for each client. Effective marketing is all about targeting and focus. Better targeting means less waste, lower expenses, and higher profits.

  • Conduct a comprehensive market opportunity assessment - Assess your markets and current market positions (market size and share of market, channels, growth trends, threats, and opportunities)
  • Identify customer needs and determine which market segments hold the most, and least, attractive profit potential.
  • Find out what customers and prospects think about your new customer service procedures, your sign-up process, your newest product, your new tag-line, your invoicing process, etc.
  • Identify regulatory, political, and demographic trends that could create problems and opportunities for your business.
  • Develop a thorough understanding of competitors - Who leads and who follows in this space? How much market share does each player have? What are their strengths and weaknesses? How do they differentiate themselves? How does their pricing strategy compare with yours? How do they market their products and services? How does their brand equity compare to yours?
  • Identify opportunities to use your strengths and exploit competitor weaknesses.
Web Design & Web Marketing

In this era, information and technology have important effects on business operation. Every business improves communication with clients through multimedia platform to strive for the success of the business. URMNS team specialises in all aspects of web design and web marketing including:

  • Developing website with creative design and user friendly content managed sites to allow you to easily update your content and keep your site up-to-date and fresh.
  • Search Engine Optimisation or SEO in short, is a set of rules that can be followed by website owners to optimize their websites for search engines and thus improve their search engine rankings to enable netizens to find your website easily and guide more traffic to your website.
  • Developing E-newsletters for news or media releases for building relationships and maintaining regular rapport with customes and prospects.
  • E-commerce modules to increase your direct sales.
  • Social media marketing in channels like Facebook, Youtube, Linkedin, Twitter, Wechat, etc. to give any platform for small businesses looking to further their reach to more customers.
URMNS Email Marketing

URMNS is a self hosted email newsletter application that lets you send trackable emails. This makes it possible for you to send authenticated bulk emails at an competitively low price without sacrificing deliverability.

At URMNS you do not need to subscribe to a monthly plan for blasting your emails. You only need to pay what you have used.

Mergers & Acquisitions

URMNS provides unmatched expertise throughout the transaction support services life cycle – from initial target acquisition screening and commercial due diligence through post-acquisition integration support. We call on this experience to realize synergies of transactions. We also help clients identify the true value of an opportunity by combining our meticulous financial analysis with the deep industry knowledge required to understand how the shifting market landscape can impact potential deals. Our team provides the local insight and language skills required to orchestrate complex multinational M&A transactions.

ECOM’s Partner: Thinkat Capital

Think of Thinkat Capital as your outsourced CFO, providing high level advice and guidance for your company’s future. A firm subscriber of keeping things simple & effective, we focus on three key areas – Strategy, Capital & Structure


Well thought out strategy lies behind every corporate success story. Here at Thinkat Capital we believe in getting the strategy right at the outset. Working closely with our clients to gain an understanding of our clients requirements and resources is crucial before identifying corporate goals and a step-by-step guide on how to achieve them. Key parameters are mapped out, forming the foundation of the deal structure before moving to the nuts and bolts.


For growing companies, getting access to the right type of funding whether acquisition financing, straight debt/ equity raises or even refinancing is key to meeting its targets in a timely and efficient manner. Achieving the optimal capital structure will support the specific needs of companies at the right cost. Once the components of the capital plan is formulated, we leverage on our network of financing sources to provide favourable structures for our clients.


While we may not be able to foretell when the markets are going to take a turn for the worse, we can give you pragmatic insight into achieving optimal valuation, using the ideal instrument tying into the optimal capital structure. Getting the deal structure right takes the right kind of experience and expertise which our consultancy was built on.

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